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Advance Science Laboratory Management Training
On Saturday, May 3, 2014 Advance Science Laboratory Management Training for Junior and Senior High School Teachers and Laboratory Assistants was held, the participants of this second training of Advance Science Laboratory Management Training came from Central Jakarta, East Jakarta, Purwakarta, Bandung, Karawang, Cirebon, and Kuningan. Acting as the main speaker was Mrs. Dr. Galuh Yuliani, M.Si., a Chemistry Lecturer of FPMIPA UPI Bandung.

In contrast to the usual science laboratory management training, at this advanced training participants performed more simulations, including creating the SOP, conflict management, tools and materials coding, maintenance and storage of equipment and material, as well as waste disposal.

In her presentation Dr. Galuh stressed out about the importance of making the SOP of laboratory management as the foundation for managing the laboratory. The SOP should be made actual, thorough, systematic, effective, and efficient that it can be used by any laboratory caretaker without any contradiction. Moreover, the laboratory caretaker must have the same vision of the most ideal way to properly manage the laboratory.

Although some participants had attended the previous basic laboratory management training, most of participants made mistakes in doing the simulation, especially for the simulation of the equipment and materials storage and maintenance. Some participants did not properly store the four beams balance scale, forgot to close the chemicals container tightly, forgot to give labels on the solution bottles, forgot to take off the battery from electric tools, forgot to apply powder on rubber of pipette drops, etc.

Simulations performed on this training were actually function as evaluation and also serves as the reminder for participants about what had been given on the previous laboratory management training. After the simulations session, participants were invited to perform simple laboratory works regarding the utilization of the tools and materials available in the laboratory.

On biology participants were invited to perform lab blood type tests and did the frog dissection.

On physics participants were invited to do lab practices of determining the specific heat capacity of an object by using a simple calorimeter, the uniform rectilinear motion and accelerated uniformly motion, and calibrating four beams balance scale.

On chemistry, participants performed the easiest and fastest way to fix a jammed burette and how to open the flask lid properly.

At the end of the session, we gave attractive prizes for participants who could correctly answer questions provided.
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